Badminton Archives - All Tennis Blog Tennis, Table tennis and Badminton Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:32:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Badminton Archives - All Tennis Blog 32 32 Rules of badminton over the net Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:31:10 +0000 Before the start of the game, a toss is held, which determines the sides and the right of first serve. Badminton serving rules: the shuttle must be struck from below and the racket must not be lifted above the server’s waist. The use of deceptive/false serves is allowed. After serving,

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Before the start of the game, a toss is held, which determines the sides and the right of first serve. Badminton serving rules: the shuttle must be struck from below and the racket must not be lifted above the server’s waist. The use of deceptive/false serves is allowed. After serving, players may move freely around their court, but touching the net is strictly prohibited.

A badminton match shall consist of a maximum of three games. Each game is won by the player or team with 21 points. In a 20-20 game, two points are required and in a 29-29 game, one point is sufficient. These rules are also true for the Olympics.

The change of sides shall take place:

  • after the completion of the first game;
  • Before the third game (if it comes to it);
  • after 11 points in the third game.

Breaks are possible in each of the games, but they shall be no more than 1 minute and provided that one of the sides has scored 11 points. The breaks between games are 2 minutes.

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History of Badminton Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:24:44 +0000 Badminton is considered one of the oldest games known today because it originated from the game of shuttlecock, which was played in ancient Greece, India, Japan, China and even in some countries in Africa. The essence of the game was to throw a special shuttlecock using rackets. Badminton originated in

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Badminton is considered one of the oldest games known today because it originated from the game of shuttlecock, which was played in ancient Greece, India, Japan, China and even in some countries in Africa. The essence of the game was to throw a special shuttlecock using rackets. Badminton originated in India, where the prototype game was “pune. Later, the sailors brought this game to England, where the game gradually began to gain popularity. But badminton in its current form we owe to the English Duke of Beaufort. In 1973, the Duke of Beaufort, returning to his estate Badminton House from a business trip (India), brought with him the equipment for the game of “poona. The Duke soon introduced it to his entire extended family and the surrounding aristocrats. Badminton Manor became the center for the development and spread of the game, which, in connection with this, got its current name “badminton”.

In 1934 the International Badminton Federation was created, it included Canada, Denmark, France, England, the Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand and Wales. Under the auspices of the Federation, the World Badminton Championships for men (the Thomas Cup) began to be held in 1947. In 1992 badminton was recognised as an Olympic sport and included in the Olympic Games. Since then badminton’s popularity in the world has only grown, especially it is popular in Southeast Asia. Nowadays Asian athletes (China, the Republic of Korea and Indonesia) dominate in badminton and win up to 90% of medals in world championships.

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