Table Tennis Archives - All Tennis Blog Tennis, Table tennis and Badminton Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:32:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Table Tennis Archives - All Tennis Blog 32 32 Rules of Table Tennis Fri, 07 Oct 2022 10:30:58 +0000 Let’s introduce a few definitions: “Draw” is the period of time the ball is in play. “Ball in play” is considered from the last moment it is on the still palm of the free hand before the intentional toss in the serve until it is decided that the rally should

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Let’s introduce a few definitions:

  • “Draw” is the period of time the ball is in play.
  • “Ball in play” is considered from the last moment it is on the still palm of the free hand before the intentional toss in the serve until it is decided that the rally should be replayed or it is completed by awarding a point. “Re-play” shall mean a rally, the result of which is not scored.
  • “Point” – a rally, the result of which is scored.
  • The “pitcher” is the player who must hit the ball first in a rally.
  • The “Receiver” is the player who must be the second to hit the ball in a rally.

Serving Rules

Each game consists of rallies, each of which in turn begins with a serve. The server for the first game is chosen by lot. Then the server alternates every 2 serves. The game continues until one of the players reaches 11 points. With a score of 10:10 serving goes to another player (team) after each rally until the gap is two points.

Under the old rules the game was played until 21 points, the server served every five innings, and if the score was 20-20, the service would change hands after every rally until the team had a two point lead.
Another important rule: In table tennis you must not touch the table!

Table Tennis Table

Standard table tennis table dimensions (dimensions): Length of the tennis table – 274 cm. Table width – 152,5 cm. Table height – 76 cm. Table tennis court dimensions: Length – 5,7 m. Width – 4,5 cm. The playing surface may be made of different materials, the basic rule: it must ensure the rebound of the ball 23 cm, provided that the ball is thrown from a height of 30 cm. The playing surface of the table must be matt and homogeneous, and painted in a dark color. The surface of the table is divided into two halves by a vertically standing grid, and along each edge of the table there should be a marking – a white line 20 mm wide.

The post Rules of Table Tennis appeared first on All Tennis Blog.
